Training Manuals

Good quality, professional training manuals…

We’ve been producing training manuals for a diverse range of educational organisations for many years. A well-designed, professional training manual forms a standardised process for students and new hires. They’re also an essential tool for effective ongoing staff training.

By providing clear guidelines, training manuals reduce the time it takes for employees to adjust and become productive team members as well as fostering a culture of learning and accountability while empowering individuals with the knowledge they need to succeed in their roles.



Our warehouse is currently home to hundreds of printed products, from awards certificates, to brochures, training manuals, and promotional materials, all produced for our customers in the education sector.

We realise how important it is to have the necessary educational tools for students, whether they’re learning a trade or working towards a degree.

In addition, we understand the significance of working with our customers to strengthen their brand and attract new learning talent to their institution.


We seek to inspire change, innovation, and customer loyalty through the power of sustainable print and brand awareness

Our world may be about print management, but our focus is on you and what you need from print. Our goal is to collaborate with you however much or as little as you need. We don’t often blow our own trumpet, but our biggest successes are our ability to adapt to change, our intuitive ideas and our authentic appreciation of both staff and customers alike.

Case Studies

Standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. text ever since the 1500s.

–––––––––––––– If you can see it and touch it, we can brand it for you ––––––––––––––


Standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. text ever since the 1500s.

Do you charge for proofs?

We don’t charge for standard PDF proofs. If you require an Epsom proof, via a digital press or a ‘WET’ proof (A proof that is ran through an actual printing press which requires ink, and plate/screen setup) this will be chargeable.

What type of files can you accept?
We can use a number of file formats. These include pdf, InDesign files (.indd), Illustrator files (.ai) and Photoshop files (.psd). We can also process Word and Excel files if need be. To make a file print ready make sure that all the fonts used have been embedded or outlined and that you have included 3mm bleed and crop marks on your pdf, these are settings that can be ticked when you save a pdf.
Whats the best way to supply artwork?
A print ready pdf file or native files (all the files you used to create the artwork with e.g. InDesign file with all the linked images and fonts).
What design programmes do you use?
We use the Adobe Creative Suite for design and processing artwork. We have the latest creative cloud artwork so have no problems processing InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and pdf files with ease. We no longer support QuarkXpress but a print ready file can be output from this program.


Standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. text ever since the 1500s.